Monday, June 16, 2008


"A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake" – Confucius
May be to some extent the former holds good. I made mistakes in my past, largely with my early expositions of my origins and the like, which were less-than-accurate, however such dishonesties (and I have integrity and honor enough to call them what they were) were more the substance of gross hyperbole than outright fabrication. If we can live in the present, acknowledge and learn from the past, but live in the present…we are immediately freed up from a lot of garbage. But past will not be that easy up on us. We require lot of compassion and inner strength to move on from the mistakes from the past. As said by Russel crowe when Hansen is concerned about John still having hallucinations in A Beautiful Mind.
“They are my past. Everyone is haunted by their past.”
Definitely, everyone is haunted by the past. I get these weird thoughts of repenting now about my past mistakes and I love to own a time machine to change my past to make it sync with my present for a better future. How many of us believe that we really deserve a second chance? Or another chance? Or many more chances? There are so many ‘what ifs’ in life but the challenge is how are we going to face the ‘what is’ and when you think about it, it is better to gamble than not doing anything and you will spend the rest of your life thinking what it might be if you had done it. “Am I okay right now?” is a good question to ask we are anxious about the future or depressed or feeling guilty about the past.

If the answer is yes, observe the feelings connected to the past or the future but don’t embrace them. Yeah I definitely need a time machine... Maybe to unravel the mess that is the Present we need to tie the loose ends of the Past. And hopefully, the Future will take care of itself.Or if it doesn't, well, c'est la vie.